Paper I Objective Type (Economics)
- Microeconomics (Theories of consumer’s demand; Production; Market Structures and Pricing; Distribution; and Welfare Economics)
- Macro Economics (Theories of Employment, Output and Inflation; Monetary Economics; ISLM Model; Schools of Economic Thought)
- International Economics (Theories of International Trade; Balance of Payments; Exchange Rate Models)
- Theories of Economic Growth and Development (Classical neo-classical approaches to economic growth and major theories of economic development)
- Public Finance (Theories of taxation and public expenditure and Public Debt Management)
- Environmental Economics (Green GDP, Environmental Valuation, Environmental policy instruments)
- Quantitative Methods in Economics (Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Economics, Ordinary Least Square Regression)
- Current developments in Indian Economy (Growth, inflation, poverty, unemployment, financial sector developments, external sector developments, fiscal developments, agriculture, industry, infrastructure, and services)
Phase - I - Paper-II Descriptive Type (on English)
The paper on English shall be framed in a manner to assess the writing skills including expression and understanding of the topic.
RBI Phase 2 Syllabus [As per RBI Gr B Notification 2023-24] - General
Paper I: Economics & Social Issues
- Growth and Development
- Measurement of growth: National Income and per capita income
- Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation in India
- Sustainable Development and Environmental issues.
- Indian Economy
- Economic History of India - Changes in Industrial and Labour Policy, Monetary and Fiscal Policy since reforms of 1991
- Priorities and recommendations of Economic Survey and Union Budget
- Indian Money and Financial Markets: Linkages with the economy
- Role of Indian banks and Reserve Bank in the development process
- Public Finance
- Political Economy - Industrial Developments in India- Indian Agriculture - Services sector in India.
- Globalization
- Opening up of the Indian Economy
- Balance of Payments, Export-Import Policy
- International Economic Institutions
- IMF and World Bank
- Regional Economic Co-operation; International Economic Issues
- Social Structure in India
- Multiculturalism
- Demographic Trends
- Urbanisation and Migration
- Gender Issues
- Social Justice
Paper II: English Syllabus
The paper on English shall be framed in a manner to assess the writing skills including expression and understanding of the topic. It usually contains questions of
- Essay Writing
- Reading Comprehension
- Precis Writing
Paper III: Finance & Management
- Financial System
- Structure and Functions of Financial Institutions
- Functions of Reserve Bank of India
- Banking System in India – Structure and Developments, Financial Institutions – SIDBI, EXIM Bank, NABARD, NHB, NaBFID etc.
- Recent Developments in Global Financial System and its impact on Indian Financial System
- Role of Information Technology in Banking and Finance
- Non-Banking System
- Developments in Digital Payments
- Financial Markets
- Primary and Secondary Markets (Forex, Money, Bond, Equity, etc.), functions, instruments, recent developments.
- General Topics
- Financial Risk Management
- Basics of Derivatives
- Global financial markets and International Banking – broad trends and latest developments
- Financial Inclusion
- Alternate source of finance, private and social cost-benefit, Public-Private Partnership
- Corporate Governance in Banking Sector
- The Union Budget – Concepts, approach and broad trends
- Basics of Accounting and Financial Statements - Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, Cash Flow Statements, Ratio Analysis (such as Debt to Equity, Debtor Days, Creditor Days, Inventory Turnover, Return on Assets, Return on Equity, etc.)
- Inflation: Definition, trends, estimates, consequences and remedies (control): WPI- CPI – components and trends; striking a balance between inflation and growth through monetary and fiscal policies
- Fundamentals of Management & Organizational Behaviour:
- Introduction to management; Evolution of management thought: Scientific, Administrative, Human Relations and Systems approach to management; Management functions and Managerial roles; Nudge theory - Meaning & concept of organizational behaviour;
- Personality: meaning, factors affecting personality, Big five model of personality; concept of reinforcement; Perception: concept, perceptual errors.
- Motivation: Concept, importance, Content theories (Maslow’s need theory, Alderfers’ ERG theory, McCllelands’ theory of needs, Herzberg’s two factor theory) & Process theories (Adams equity theory, Vrooms expectancy theory).
- Leadership: Concept, Theories (Trait, Behavioural, Contingency, Charismatic, Transactional and Transformational Leadership;
- Emotional Intelligence: Concept, Importance, Dimensions. Analysis of Interpersonal Relationship: Transactional Analysis, Johari Window; Conflict: Concept, Sources, Types, Management of Conflict;
- Organizational Change: Concept, Kurt Lewin Theory of Change; Organizational Development (OD): Organisational Change, Strategies for Change, Theories of Planned Change (Lewin’s change model, Action research model, Positive model).
- Ethics at the Workplace and Corporate Governance:
- Meaning of ethics, why ethical problems occur in business.
- Theories of ethics: Utilitarianism: weighing social cost and benefits, Rights and duties, Justice and fairness, ethics of care, integrating utility, rights, justice and caring, An alternative to moral principles: virtue ethics, teleological theories, egoism theory, relativism theory, Moral issues in business: Ethics in Compliance, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, etc.
- Ethical Principles in Business: introduction, Organization Structure and Ethics, Role of Board of Directors, Best Practices in Ethics Programme, Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct, etc.
- Corporate Governance: Factors affecting Corporate Governance; Mechanisms of Corporate Governance
- Communication: Steps in the Communication Process; Communication Channels; Oral versus Written Communication; Verbal versus non-verbal Communication; upward, downward and lateral communication; Barriers to Communication, Role of Information Technology.
Phase II Syllabus [As per RBI Gr B Notification 2023-24] - DEPR/DSIM
Paper - I Descriptive Type (on Economics) (Question paper displayed on computer, answers to be written on paper)
Microeconomic Module
- Consumer Theory: Cardinal and Marginal Utility Analysis, Consumer Surplus, Indifference Curve Analysis, Price, Income and Substitution Effects, Game Theory
- Production Theory: Forms of Production function; Laws of Returns to Scale; Partial Equilibrium Vs General Equilibrium Analysis
- Market Theory: Pricing under different market structures
- Distribution Theories: Ricardo, Marx, Kalecki and Kaldor
- Welfare Economics: Pareto Optimality, Schools of Welfare Thought including Arrow, Coase and Sen
Macroeconomic Module
- National Income Accounting: Various methods for measurement of National Income
- Theory of employment and Output: Classical and Neo-classical approaches, Keynesian theory of Employment and output, post-Keynesian developments, Business Cycles
- Inflation: Types of Inflation, Philip's curve, Taylor’s Rule, Lucas Critique
- Money and Banking: Quantity theory of Money, Neutrality of money, IS - LM Model and AD-AS Models, Money Multiplier, Monetary Policy – Scope, Objectives and instruments, Inflation targeting
- Theories of Economic Growth and Development: Theories of growth, Classical and neoclassical approaches, Theories of Economic Development
- International trade and Balance of payments: Theories of international trade, Determination of exchange rates, Impossible Trinity
- Public Finance: Theories of taxation, Theories of public expenditure, Theories of public debt management
(Equal weightage will be given to Microeconomic and Macroeconomic modules)
Paper-II Descriptive Type (on Economics) (Question paper displayed on computer, answers to be written on paper)
Module on Quantitative Methods in Economics
- Mathematical Methods in Economics: Differentiation and Integration, Optimisation, Sets, Matrices, Linear algebra and Linear programming
- Statistical Methods in Economics: Measures of central tendency and dispersions, Probability, Time series, Index numbers.
- Econometrics and advanced Applications: Regression analysis, Panel data econometrics, Time Series econometrics, Basics of Bayesian Econometrics, Basic application of Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning
Module on Indian Economy – Policy and Trends
- Fiscal policy in India: Evolution, scope and limitations, current trends
- Monetary Policy in India: Evolution, Functions of the Reserve Bank of India, Monetary-Fiscal coordination, Inflation targeting, Operating framework of Monetary Policy, Current trends
- Banking and financial sector development in India: Banks and other constituents of Indian financial markets and related developments, Current trends
- Inflation in India: Trends and drivers
- External sector developments in India: Exchange rate management, external debt, Balance of payments, Current trends
- Sectoral and other developments in India: Agriculture, industry, services and social sector-related developments (Equal weightage will be given to Quantitative Economics and Indian Economy-related modules)